5-Minute Marketing For Local Bussinesses

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. You need to get somebody to help you with something so you hop over to Google for a quick search. Up pops a list of businesses. How do you decide who to call?
If you’re like me, the first thing you check for are reviews, right? How many people like this business? How recent is the last review? Are there any bad reviews? If so, how did the business respond?
You narrow my list down based on reviews, then you check out the websites of your top contenders to see if you can see who you’re actually going to be dealing with.
Does the website make you feel like you can trust the business? Are there any examples of past projects? Wouldn’t you like to actually see a picture of the team – or at least the founder? You also want to verify that they actually serve the area where you live.
Are they open right now? When should you expect them to get back to you?
In other words, everybody is looking for these five things:
● Social proof (reviews)
● Responsive (they respond to reviews and care what people say)
● Quality (they do a good job)
● Trust (can I trust these people in my home?)
● Integrity (do they treat people fairly?)
When a business checks all those boxes, that’s who you call.
In a nutshell, we call this your authority. We take care of all five of these categories for you. We are essentially your online PR firm covering all of these bases without you having to spend any
time on it.
Yesterday I showed you how we get you in front of the right people.
Now you know why you get the clicks.
If you’re curious about tomorrow’s lesson, click here and get tomorrow’s lesson now.
Otherwise, I’ll see you here tomorrow and we’ll talk about what we’re going to do with all this new traffic you’re getting.
More soon…
Holly Holliday